What You Need To Know About Reconstructive Surgery

Very few know it, but the origins of this science are very ancient. In fact, it traces back to ancient Egypt. Today, the greatest requests include breast implants, liposuction, and facial interventions. Here at myfacesurgeon.com, we consider any reconstructive surgery as a way to satisfy precise needs.

Many confuse reconstructive surgery with cosmetic surgery. Indeed, cosmetic surgery is a very interesting topic as well. However, there is plenty of misinformation about it. Besides, if you think carefully about the attitude to the modification of the body, you may surprise yourself.

What is reconstructive surgery? What is it for?

Reconstructive surgery is a type of intervention that can improve not only the aesthetic but also the functional aspect of various parts of the body. Sometimes, for congenital and/or acquired causes, surgical correction is the only way.

In part, it resembles the well-known cosmetic surgery. The latter social trend has always been inherent in humanity. For one thing, its goal often aimed to satisfy a need for homologation within a social group. Just think of the giraffe women. Another example is the artificially deformed feet of Chinese women during the Song, Ming, and Qing dynasties. Historically, being like the other members of a larger group improved the quality of life of the individual. Thus, reconstructive surgery is the natural next step in helping a person to gain a more fulfilling life.

What’s it about?

The procedure varies according to the reconstructive intervention that the patient needs. In general, myfacesurgeon.com checks the most used techniques like the ones that involve the use of:

  • Grafts: portions of tissue obtained from the patient’s body and then implanted in another area
  • Flaps: parts of tissue that surgeons implant in another area of the body while maintaining a connection with the area of origin (peduncle)
  • Implants: used to correct and/or fill congenital or acquired deformities. They can be external (nose, ear) or internal (breast implants) and composed of different materials

Plastic and reconstructive surgery relies on the application of multiple techniques. In brief, they are integrated medical procedures. To clarify, it is the combined effect that allows for extraordinary results.

For instance, the goal of rhinoplasty is to recreate the appropriate proportions between the portions of the nose (both bone and cartilage) and the other aesthetic units of the face. To achieve this, a careful evaluation of the face and the planes composed of forehead-eyes and mouth-chin is essential. Also, the expert surgeon takes into consideration the patient’s gender and his/her particular personality. Overall, to design the new profile of the nose, the professional needs a great set of varying skills.